7 Secrets to Exercising

Even When You’re Super Busy

You CAN Do This. I’m Here to Help.

“Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible” Luke 1:37

Change isn’t easy. If you’re here, trust God is with you. The God of all creation, stands alongside you. With Him, all things are possible.

PRAY This First

Dear Lord, thank you for creating my amazing body. I invite you into guiding me on caring for my health in peace, grace and joy. Give me your joy to be my strength as I strengthen my body. Amen.

Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Tamara Newell, wife and mom. For over 10 years, I worked as a Pilates instructor, health coach and dancer in New York City. Today, I’m a work from home, health and fitness writer. As a Christian, God has shown me how to live healthy with balance and grace. Creator of Peaceful Body and Beauty, I hope to encourage and equip you with biblical teachings on health and beauty, paired with simple, practical tools to live healthy and feel beautiful.

How I Got Here

During my years in New York, I kept active easily. New Yorker’s walk everywhere! Running between Pilates and dance studio’s kept me moving constantly. Staying active was my norm. A lot has changed. Exercise looks different these days.

As a writer and mom, I spend hours on my laptop or driving my kids between school, the playground and swim lessons. I swap hats daily on housework, homework helper and entrepreneur. BUT, I’ve discovered a few secrets to keep exercising during this busy season. And you can too.

Okay, now for the Top 7 Secrets I discovered on
my OWN path with God to exercising even when I’m busy.

Secret #1: Keep It Short

Don’t despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.

Zach. 4:10

Some exercise is better than no exercise. Start with 10 minutes a day, 6 days a week. That’s an hour a week! If you’re not exercising at all, this is a huge gain. Small changes over time create big results.

Call to Action: Start exercising 10 minutes a day. Begin with THIS free workout.

Secret #2: Skip Fancy Workout Clothes

Some mornings, I hit the Pilates mat in my pjs. Changing clothes takes more time! And it’s more laundry. Boo.

Get a morning workout done before getting dressed. Wake up, drink coffee, head to the mat. Get it done.

Call to Action: Put your mat and equipment out the night before.

Secret #3: Sleep In Your Sports Bra

My friend Ashleigh get’s credit for this one! It’s all you need, plus those pj’s for your morning workout.

Wear a sports bra to bed and wake up with a physical reminder to exercise. Drink coffee and you’re ready to go.

Call to Action: Wear your sports bra to bed this week before a morning workout.

Secret #4: Infuse Exercise Into Your Day

The bible encourages us to “pray without ceasing”. That doesn’t mean we stop everything and spend all day praying. Rather, we infuse prayer through the day.

This is great when you’re home with young kids and really can’t get a minute alone. Mix exercise into daily routine. It’s fun, low stress and kids will love to join in.

Call to Action: Do 100 lunges through out the day. Going to flip laundry? Lunges. Walking to the fridge for lunch? Lunges. You get the idea.

Secret #5: Invest In Yourself

Working out for free is possible! But spending money on a class requires sacrifice. And most people want a good return on that money spent.

I invest in a weekly Pilates class. Often I get into my day and feel too busy to go. But darn’t I paid for it and I’m not wasting my money! So I show up and I’m better off for it.

Call to Action: Purchase a fitness class and schedule it.

Secret #6: Do It While You Wait

Remember when you lunged around the house? Similar idea. We all spend time during our week waiting. Move your body during those pockets of time.

Waiting on the phone or in between zoom calls? Skip scrolling social media and hold a plank for 1 minute. Waiting for kids at the bus stop? Squats and push ups.

Call to Action: Next time you’re waiting, hold a plank for 1 minute.

Secret #7: Get Your Gear

Be prepared for success. Have simple fitness gear ready to go.

Check out my top 5 favorite home workout products for under $40.

Call to Action: Purchase fitness products for quick home workouts.

Let’s Do This

Get your fitness gear for under $40 and join me for a workout!