summer foods to eat in season

Fresh fruit smoothies, crisp salads, watermelon wedges and grilled corn on the cob!  Check out these top 5 summer foods to eat in season.  The summer produce list is quite long and includes several foods from the Spring Season. In this list, I’ve included five with simple suggestion on how to enjoy them.

Are fruits and veggies the last thing you enjoy on your plate? I understand. The only vegetables I liked in my early 20’s was salad. Pretty boring. With some experimenting, a cooking savvy husband and adventurous spirit, I now enjoy a wide variety. Not only does fresh, seasonal produce improve your health, skin and energy, it’s God’s design for eating. God said;

I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food.

Gen. 1:29

God designed our body to eat and enjoy plants for food. Eating fruits and vegetables is part of a holistically, healthy life. If this is new to you, start small. Just add one a day. Once that’s routine, add another and another. Need somewhere to start? Check out these 5 summer foods to eat in season.

What is the benefit of eating in season?

Eating in season has many benefits, and not just nutritionally. The best way to eat fresh, in season produce is to either grow it yourself (easier said then, I know) or buy it from a local farmer. Find out where and when you have a farmers market in your area. These can be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. You’ll meet and support local farmers. Getting to know the people who grow the food on your table is an amazing way to plug into your community, support local business and get the scoop on what this season’s best picks are.

Eating local and seasonal does have its drawbacks. For starters, you can’t predict how each crop will produce season to season or even week to week. If you’re planning on buying local blackberries on Saturday to serve it as a cobbler for a dinner party that night, you may not get your berries. Maybe they’re sold out before you arrive, or there wasn’t a lot of fresh, sweet berries to pick that week. Buying seasonal and local means being flexible. If you’re up for getting creative in the kitchen, making adjustments and trying new things, then eating local and seasonal can be a lot of fun!

Is eating in season produce more nutritious?

In short, yes. Seasonal produce that’s picked at it’s prime time will hold their nutrients best. When you buy seasonal produce local, it’s even better. Without having to ship it across the county or even across the boarded, it’s not pumped with preservatives to keep it from spoiling on the way to your grocery store. The quicker it goes from vine to table, the better. Both in nutrition and flavor.

5 Best Summer Foods to eat in season

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summer foods to eat in season

Food 1: Berries

Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, boysenberries, raspberries, mulberries, loganberries-oh my!!  Eat a variety of these for fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants and phytonutrients.  Eating berries is linked to lower cancer rates and improved skin, eye and brain health.

Cooking Tip: Pour coconut milk over a bowl of your favorite berries.  Top with cinnamon, chia seeds and ground flax seed.  It’s a high fiber snack with protein.  This quick snack stabilizes blood sugar and is more satisfying than plain fruit.  For an extra bonus, add chopped walnuts or pecans.

Food 2: Endive

This fibrous leaf is an excellent source of Vitamin A and Vitamin B’s including Folic Acid.  Folic acid is especially important for pregnant women.  Vitamins A and B help aid healthy skin, metabolism and may prevent lung and oral cancers.

Cooking Tip: Endive is a great leafy alternative to lettuce.   It’s a bit more sturdy and for that reason is great for dips!  Swap tortilla chips for endive for a low carb, veggie substitute for your favorite spread.  Enjoy with hummus, guacamole or ranch dressing.

Food 3: Cucumbers

Cucumbers are 95% water, an excellent agent of detoxification and hydration.  High levels of potassium, magnesium and fiber in cucumber may help blood pressure.

Cooking Tip:  Prepare them in a hearty summer salad. Dice cucumber, avocado, bell pepper and tomato (all seasonal summer foods) into large chunks.   Season with fresh herbs like basil and parsley.  Add some olives, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper and voila!  Easy and satisfying salad.  Try different varieties with fresh garlic, onion or some feta cheese as well.  Possibilities are endless……..

summer foods to eat in season

Food 4: Fennel

One bulb of fennel contains 20% of your daily Vitamin C, a nice alternative to your citrus fruits.  This fibrous vegetable has strong digestive abilities.  Some cultures, like in India, serve the seeds after a meal to promote digestion and freshen the breath.   

Cooking Tip:  Fennel salad is a nice alternative to your typical salad fare.   Toss thin slices of fennel with arugula, salmon, quinoa, toasted walnuts and fresh lemon.  Top it off olive oil, salt and pepper.  It will be your new favorite summer dish.

Food 5: Peaches

Along with Vitamin A and C, peaches contain the antioxidant Lutein.  This has been shown to help slow the aging process.

Cooking Tip:  Add diced peaches to your salsa for a sweet and spicy twist.  Scoop with chips or endive.  Or add it as a topping to fish tacos.  For breakfast it’s a great sweetener to oatmeal or pancakes instead of sugar or syrup.

summer foods to eat in season


When it comes to eating in season, keep it fun. Think of adding more to your diet as an adventure for your taste buds, rather than an obligation to “get healthy”. God created these delicious plants, not just for your health, but for you to enjoy!

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