Living a healthy life is a juggle with work, school, family, church life and oh, yes, getting a decent amount of sleep. It’s not impossible. God desires an abundance both in spiritual and physical health for you. This is where I give Christian moms health and beauty tips.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

3 John 1:2

Peaceful Body and Beauty is where you’re equipped to live healthy and feel beautiful. As a working mom and wife I value imparting this into my own family. I also know I can’t give away what I don’t carry myself. This online gathering place is for women like us.

As a former Pilates instructor, health coach and dancer, I hope my story and knowledge, spring board you into your God given destiny. One that is supported by a healthy body and identity in Christ. Here are 5 ways I hope to help Christian moms with health and beauty.

Health and beauty tips and biblical inspiration for busy moms

5 Things I Hope to Help Christian Moms With

1. Provide Christ centered health and beauty teachings based in the Word of God.

Mixed messages around what’s healthy and what’s not are everywhere. Trends, expensive products and unrealistic plans distract from our daily invitation to walk with God.  Impossible images of beauty are edited and photoshopped across media, distorting reality and the truth of how God sees us.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:14

I want you to know your value in Christ. Your beauty and your uniquely, holistically healthy life come from the One who created you. He knows exactly what your body needs at every phase of life. Here you’ll find biblical teachings as the foundation to build your healthy life. A life that brings Jesus into the forefront, not distract you from Him.

2. Equip busy Christian Moms’s with simple, actionable plans in holistic health and beauty for themselves and family.

Who isn’t busy? I have yet to meet them. A health and beauty routine is overwhelming to start. We throw in the towel before we see results. Or we stick with it a few weeks, but it’s not sustainable.

Creating new habits takes effort. It takes time and energy. I’ll give Christian moms health and beauty tips and programs to build habits for you and your family.

3. Inspire Christian Mom’s to break away from body shame and diet culture by walking in their God given identity.

God healed me from an eating disorder, diet pill addiction and body shame. If you’re living under this, it’s not God’s desire or plan for you. He’s an abundant God of love, peace and joy. You are His child, worthy of experiencing this.

He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his uprightness.

Isaiah 57:2

You don’t need to strive or punish your body into the worlds view of perfection. It’s an illusion. God has more for you. He wants a life rooted in peace, health from a place rest for you. God’s goodness is here for you.

Ladies, like we said, we’re busy. God has amazing plans for your life. It’s time to break away from shame and diets.

4. Gather a community women who support one another to live their most vibrant, healthy life for Jesus.

For if one falls down, his companion can lift him up.

Ecc. 4:10

Life throws us curve balls. Having women, who encourage and speak Godly wisdom to us are worth their weight in gold. I hope to gather such a community of women. God encourages us to share our testimony of healing and restoration in our lives. Your story of hope may bring strength to someone else.

5. Create books, courses and products that give Christian moms health and beauty tips inspiring a holistically healthy life in Christ.

The right product in the right season can be a powerful tool to move us forward in our God given destiny. I’ll share books, courses and products from myself and others. I believe they will be asset to your walk with God and a healthy, beautiful life.

Leave a comment below on your biggest challenge to living a consistently, healthy life. i want to hear from you!

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