6 Best Keys to Loving your Body as a Christian Woman

Is loving your body as a Christian woman important? Yes! For many years I struggled with an eating disorder. After giving my life to Christ, God took me on a journey of healing. Over the next few years, His love healed my mind and spirit. My inner healing transformed me on the outside. Today, I enjoy a healthy, balanced life and embrace the body He gave me. Jesus came and died for us that we would have victory in all areas of our life. So, if you struggle with loving your body as a Christian women, keep reading.

What does God say about loving your body as a Christian woman?

Christianity focuses on our inner life in heart, mind and spirit. But God doesn’t want us to neglect our physical body either. We’re made in His image (Gen 1:26-27) and everything He creates is good. Including our body! Loving our body is not a carnal, selfish act. Rather, it’s honors the one who made it!

At church, we know we’ll encounter the living God! His presence will be inside the church temple during service. And how does the church look at we drive up and park our car? Every church I’ve been too, the outside is loved and cared for. The grass is mowed. The windows are clean. Flowers and a friendly smile welcome you at the front door.

Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19-20). You carry presence of God inside you as a temple. Let’s make sure our outside reflects the beauty of God on the inside. It’s good to love your body and care for it. It honors the one who made it.

How do I love myself according to the Bible?

Loving yourself, including your body, as a Christian begins on the inside. Learn what the bible says about Gods love for you and how He made you beautiful. Invite God into your journey on how to love yourself. Even Jesus said He can do nothing apart from the Father (John 15:5). God loves you deeply (Eph. 3:18) and unconditionally. He wants you to love yourself as He loves you.

6 Best Keys to Loving your body as a Christian Woman

Key 1: Receive His Love

Perfect health does not start with eating 7 vegetables a day or getting 8 hours of sleep. Loving your body starts with receiving God’s perfect love. Only then, can we love ourselves well with a healthy lifestyle.

We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19

Key 2: Accept reality

Acceptance precedes change. Only when you truly embrace reality, can you change for good. Be honest with yourself. Do you have critical thoughts toward your body? Do you diet to punish yourself for eating junk food? Facing reality is scary. But the bible says:

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear;

1 John 4:18

God loves all of you-the good, the bad, the ugly. With His love, you can accept how you treat your body. God’s love is your safety net.

Key 3: Forgive and release resentment

Joyce Meyer put it best about forgiveness;

Unforgiveness is like a poison and a bitterness in your soul. It’s time to get rid of that poison.

Joyce Meyer

Hurtful words or actions towards us can lead to poor body image. It can be as direct as someone calling you fat. Or indirect with a general attitude that whatever you do is not enough. It could be hurtful things you’ve said or did to yourself.

Forgiveness isn’t for the person who hurt us. It’s for us. Resentment takes up space inside our body and spirit that’s meant for love, joy and peace.

Key 4: Explore ways to Love your God given body

This is where it gets fun! Put love for your body into action. Try new workouts. Experiment with a new recipe. Wear an outfit outside your comfort zone. Discover what clicks and what doesn’t. Change can be tough, don’t go alone. Invite a friend to explore with you!

Key 5: Create a vision for a healthy life in Christ

Where there is no vision, people perish

Proverbs 29:18

See yourself in your new life, loving your body. What do your days look like? How do you feel? How do you dress? Who are you spending time with? If you don’t know where you’re headed, how will you know when you’ve arrived? Create a vision.

Key 6: Thank God for the body He gave you

Give thanks! Jesus is with you on this journey. He sets you free from body shame and gives you peace, love and freedom in exchange.

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57


Loving your body as a Christian woman begins on the inside. Allow the love of God and His Word to transform your mind, heart, spirit and body. Join the 21 day Pilates and Prayer challenge below.

6 Surprising Keys to Loving Your Body as a Christian Woman

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