Top 5 Pilates Exercises for Beginners PDF

Pilates is a great way to get fit and improve your overall health, but it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together this printable of the top 5 best Pilates exercises for beginners PDF. In 15 minutes a day, you’ll be on your way to a stronger, more flexible body in no time! Print it out and take with you to the gym or use at home. Download it now and get started on your Pilates journey today!

What is Pilates?

Pilates exercises tone your muscles and improve flexibility, balance, and coordination. Pilates develops core strength and improves posture. If you’re new to Pilates, I have 5 exercises for beginners to get you started. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can progress to more challenging exercises. No matter what level you’re at, Pilates is an excellent workout for your mind, body and spirit.

Is 15 Minutes of Pilates a Day enough?

Any amount of Pilates a day is better than none! Small changes create big results. Jesus taught this principal often when sowing seeds of faith;

if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move… 

Matthew 17:20

Fitness goals can feel like a huge mountain. With 3 kids at home, getting any exercise is a challenge for me! Instead of being discouraged, I celebrate the wins. If I get 15 minutes to connect with my body in exercise, I enjoy it! On another day, it might be a full hour. And on some days, none at all. Instead of focusing on how much or how little each day, I aim for consistency of habit. Over time, my mini-workouts add up. Not just for physical health, but mentally and emotionally as well.

Top 5 Pilates Exercises for Beginners

Here are 5 Pilates exercises for beginners to get you started.

Pilates Exercise 1: Half Roll Back

Beginner Pilates Exercises PDF
  1. Sit tall, knees bent, feet hips width apart on the mat.
  2. Arms extend front, shoulders down and scoop abs.
  3. Tuck tailbone & round back.  
  4. Curve spine & sit back past tailbone.
  5. Reach hamstrings, feet & toes to floor
  6. Hold 20 seconds.
  7. Return to beginning position. 
  8. Repeat 6-8x.

Modification: Hold under the thighs. Challenge: Twist side & hold 20 seconds OR squeeze a pillow in between your knees.

Pilates Exercise 2: Roll Up

Beginner Pilates Exercises PDF
Pilates for Beginners – Printable
  1. Lay down, legs straight together, arms back.
  2. Inhale: Curl head, neck and shoulders up. 
  3. Exhale: Continue roll up, reach hamstrings into the floor, scoop abs
  4. Round upper body over legs, arms parallel to the legs.
  5. Inhale: Roll down. 
  6. Exhale: Lower to beginning position.
  7. Repeat 3-5x 

Tips: Keep shoulders down. Scoop abs throughout. Zip inner thighs together and reach legs into mat. Roll up and down slowly.

Pilates Exercise 3: Single Leg Circle

Top 5 Best Pilates Exercises for Beginners
  1. Lift leg straight towards the ceiling, other leg on the mat.
  2. Circle leg across body, down to floor and up.
  3. Repeat 5x
  4. Reverse circle 5x
  5. Switch legs

Tips: Shoulders & neck relaxed. Press arms into mat. Scoop abs. Keep hips still. Engage inner thighs. 

Pilates Exercise 4: Scissors

  1. Lay on back, reach legs straight up, curl up.
  2. Grab right ankle, calf or thigh & pull to the chest.
  3. Left leg lowers to 45 degrees.
  4. Switch legs in scissor motion.
  5. Repeat 10x each leg.

Modification: Slightly bend knees. Keep head down. Challenge: Scissor legs without hands. Keep arms by your side, one inch off mat.

Pilates Exercise 5: Teaser

  1. Lay on back, arms up, knees bent feet on floor.
  2. Roll head and torso up, arms forward. Legs to tabletop.
  3. Tailbone is slightly tucked, abs scooped.
  4. Roll down into starting position.

Challenge: Extend legs into a V position.


Pilates is a great way to get in shape. You don’t need any fancy equipment or a lot of time. Start with just 15 minutes of pilates exercises every day. Download our free beginner pilates exercises pdf. With this guide, you can get started on the right foot and see amazing results in no time!

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